Recently, I went to Philippines, Palawan, Coron. This place is rather unique, and I think its worth to share.

When you go to Coron, you will be surrounded by sea water, sand, and sun. I love this place, because it’s nice to swim in fresh water after spending the entire morning in sea water.

You need to do a steep 10-minute climb to access this lake, the waters of Lake Kayangan are nestled into the mountain walls; underwater is like a moonscape. There’s a little wooden walkway and platform to stash your things if you go for a swim.

Things to bring to the lake: Sun block, mosquito repellent, water proof electronics. Whatever you decide to bring, keep things neat, and tried to make your hands free, because the climb is steep. There is a small wooden walkway and platform to place your things if you go for a swim.IMG_1408.PNG


Go Pro Hero 3

Hey, i just completed my first edit of Go Pro Video camera, check it out here.

Honestly, I am quite happy with this camera. Especially with the new update in the Go Pro app, now you can review your photo and upload it immediately!

hahaha.., for those who cant live with out facebook, twitter, etc. this is a compulsory function.

The camera it self is pretty much idiot proof, just point and shoot. i said aim because there is no screen, and you dont really need one, actually, for underwater shot.

the most important accessories i would say the red filter. It makes the picture looks so much better.

If you are using it for the first time, don’t forget to do the setting. For me, i use the guide here. The result is as you can see.

that was taken with go pro hero 3 as well. With no skills, i will say the result is comparable.

This camera is recommended!