Recently, I went to Philippines, Palawan, Coron. This place is rather unique, and I think its worth to share.

When you go to Coron, you will be surrounded by sea water, sand, and sun. I love this place, because it’s nice to swim in fresh water after spending the entire morning in sea water.

You need to do a steep 10-minute climb to access this lake, the waters of Lake Kayangan are nestled into the mountain walls; underwater is like a moonscape. There’s a little wooden walkway and platform to stash your things if you go for a swim.

Things to bring to the lake: Sun block, mosquito repellent, water proof electronics. Whatever you decide to bring, keep things neat, and tried to make your hands free, because the climb is steep. There is a small wooden walkway and platform to place your things if you go for a swim.IMG_1408.PNG


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